Free Ebook Karakas The most complete collection of the Significations of the Planets Signs and Houses as used in Vedic or Hindu Astrology

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Free Ebook Karakas The most complete collection of the Significations of the Planets Signs and Houses as used in Vedic or Hindu Astrology, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2014-01-25
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Original language: English

"Karakas" is Sanskrit for "Causes"… as in what is instrumental in causing something to happen or exist. In one famous verse, "Kara", the root word, is used in describing the One Supreme God Krishna as the "Cause of Everything". Saturn rules over "Obstacles", so Saturn is the Karaka of Obstacles. Riches are ruled by Jupiter, Beauty by Venus, and so on. This book gives the student and professional astrologer a listing of what each Planet, Sign and House rules over - of what people, subjects and areas of life it is the 'Karaka', 'Significator', 'Ruler' or 'Indicator'. Karakas are the root of astrological readings. The astrologer studies the placement of planets in specific signs and houses and paints a picture of the native's life using a blending of what those placements indicate. The better the astrologer understands all the possible Karakas, the more accurate and rich the reading can be. This collection of Karakas was assembled by Das Goravani, creator of the popular astrology software "Goravani Jyotish", and to gather them, he used as many authoritative, recognized books as he could find, including the Vedic Classics like the Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, and Jataka Parijata, and Saravali, as well as so many more. By an exhaustive effort, he compiled this listing, from the most original and reliable sources. For ease of use, the Karakas are listed four ways: alphabetically, by House, by Planet and by Sign. A glossary explains Sanskrit and astrological terms. This is THE Karaka Desk Reference to own, as it contains the most complete collection that we know of to date of Karakas derived from the classics, as they relate to Vedic or Hindu Astrology.
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